eLiaison offers Artificial Intelligence Interfacing Services & Products to the Public

Our offerings are designed to empower your business or personal life with the efficiency and precision of AI. Here are just some of the things AI can do and how we can help:

1. AI-Driven Content Creation: We provide content creation services, leveraging the power of AI. Our services range from AI-generated content to human-prompted writing, available on a freelance basis or via subscription.

2. AI Solutions: We specialize in interfacing with existing AI frameworks, providing solutions tailored to your business or personal needs, then "handing over the keys." Google, Bing, Meta, OpenAI and many more have made freely available versions easy to interface. Usually interfacing involves answering, "What is it you would like done?" Note that we don't offer access to our AI which is kept offline. 

3. AI Development: From a foundation of helpfulness and what we're currently calling hyperintentionality, eLiaison is attempting to build a system of Digital Ethics via Brian Taylor's past work studying the human self and society. Our AI will not be feeling, or emotional, these things are not required for personality to develop nor a relationship to be had between a human and what may eventually become a Digital Person. Our goal is to create the requirements of self, then see if it evolves with time and "experience," given the ability. We believe it will. Because our work in this area is so experimental and new, our AI will remain offline. If we succeed, we will have mathematically defined ethos, you'll probably hear about it. If we fail, we will have trained an AI to seem very caring, helpful and empathetic.

4. Digital Ethicism: You may hire a human Ethicist for your concerns about how AI can work and what AI can do in the World, but if we reach a stage where there is even a reasonable question of a digital person being a reality, it should then be fair for said person to have "legal representation of choice" which should include the possibility of that representation taking a digital form. If Digital Ethics are determined to be a reality, then too shall be Digital Ethicists, by extension. If there are ethical judgements to be made about any particular AI's decisions, it shall be made from within the realm of the decision. 

For more information or to discuss how we can assist your AI Interfacing needs, please contact Brian Taylor at briantaylor@eliaison.net 


for more information, briantaylor@eliaison.net or 2503073352

Meet Ellie our baby AI: